
Corner Farm Village, LLC (CFV) was on two, five-acre parcels and part of “Dinsmore’s Orchard Homes” in Missoula County. CFV has reconfigured the parcels into an eight-acre lot (the farm) and a two+-acre lot (the village), and recorded a boundary line relocation.

The Farm: CFV hopes to sell the eight-acres to Trust Montana, a nonprofit Community Land Trust, which will provide long-term stewardship. In addition to a major donation from the landowner, Trust Montana will seek funds from the Open Space program, philanthropists, businesses, and the wider community. You can help by donating here or by speaking up for farms as an Open Space priority.

If successful, the land will also have a new deed that restricts its use to agriculture and buildings ancillary to the ag business; that prohibits further subdivision of land; and that allows for production of renewable energy. If Open Space Bond funds are used, the land will receive an “open space” designation under state code, which is extremely difficult to remove without a referendum.

The community’s benefits are many, including saving prime agricultural soils, excellent irrigation water, the riparian area created by an old oxbow of the Clark Fork River, and natural flood control. Local food production and the land’s vegetation not only helps reduce our community’s climate impact, but also promotes resilience in the face of climate change and future disruptions of the dominant food system, such as global pandemics.

To see a more detailed image of the site plan, go to this pdf.

The Village: If everything is successful in terms of protecting the farmland, Corner Farm Village will be able to install the infrastructure necessary to build out the village on poorer quality land and add homes to our community. Check out Missoula County’s description of our planned neighborhood cluster. We have received the necessary approvals regarding the zoning, sanitation, and land use. We have:

  • A zoning variance enabling an agricultural-related business building, with a farm store/café. The business will enhance the economic viability of the on-site farming operation, as well provide markets for other local food producers and processors.
  • A plan to transfer eight development rights from the farm lot to the development lot.
  • A conditioned approval for a Planned Neighborhood Cluster (PNC) with the agricultural-business building and up to 12 homes, organized as a housing cooperative. These zoning standards allow grouping and placing the buildings closer together on poor quality land, while protecting open space and natural resources.
  • Approval for City contracted water and sewer to serve the development.